Tangsa, Koniak and Adi Galong tribes

Today’s photography series of the 3 tribes from Arunachala is concluded with an article named In the midst of bounty hunters. We thought about what our civilization is doing, which thinks it is something better than everybody else.   Tangsa people
Tribe or ethnical group: Tangsa
Location: Arunachal Pradesh /North-West India
Estimated population: about 29.000
Language: Tangsa (Tase) language
Religion: Donyi-Polo, Christianity, remains of animism


  Konyak people
Tribe or ethnical group: Konyak
Location: Arunachal Pradesh /North-West India
Estimated population: about 200.000
Language: Konyak language
Religion: Christianity, remains of animism


  Adi Galong people
Tribe or ethnical group: Adi Galong
Location: Arunachal Pradesh /North-West India
Estimated population: about 80.000
Language: Adi language
Religion: Donyi-Polo, remains of animism



  Photos by Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec
Arne Hodalič
Arne Hodalič

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